III Congreso de Envejecimiento

Mariano Sánchez

Cátedra Macrosad de Estudios Intergeneracionales


In some way, we are who we are because of the relationships we maintain. In my case it is clear: my interest in the world of ageing came from my coexistence with Professor Miguel Guirao, with whom I maintained an intergenerational relationship that would later push me to look into the world of Intergenerational Studies. And to this world I now dedicate much of my day to day. Something that is possible thanks to my encounter and my relationship with Macrosad, with whom we decided to create the Macrosad Chair of Intergenerational Studies at the University of Granada, where I work. I have been thinking for some time that we have exceeded the importance we give to chronological age, to the detriment of what I do find valuable: understanding the multiple faces of the sophisticated temporal dimension of our lives.